Middle East Emergency Relief Fund 2023

YMCA stands for peace; YMCA works for peace

Since October 7, 2023, thousands of innocent civilian lives have been lost in Israel and Palestine.
There are three YMCAs in Israel and Palestine,
which have long been actively working for peace in the disputed region, but the latest armed clashes have claimed the lives of some YMCA people.
*See reverse side
At the call of the World YMCA, three YMCAs active in Palestine: Gaza YMCA, East Jerusalem YMCA, and Jerusalem International YMCA, reported on the situation in the region with East Jerusalem YMCA leading the call for emergency support. On October 24, Mr. Carlos Sanvee, General Secretary of the World YMCA, issued an appeal for emergency support.
In response to these appeals, the National Council of YMCAs of Japan has pledged to make a donation to an Emergency Relief Fund.
We hope that peace will come to the region as soon as possible and that many lives will be spared.  We kindly ask for your support.








◆About the 3 YMCAs in Israel and Palestine
In Gaza, the YMCA provides group counselling, painting, drama, storytelling, and recreational music and sports activities for children and youth living in the area.
East Jerusalem YMCA
The YMCA is located in the Palestinian Territory within Jerusalem. It provides counselling and rehabilitation programs for youth who have suffered physical and mental trauma due to conflict or wrongful arrest. It operates a vocational training school, an income enhancement program for women, an exchange program for children between Jerusalem and the West Bank, and a tree-planting program for olive groves lost during the conflict. For the olive tree planting program, the National Council of YMCAs of Japan has developed the "Olive Tree Campaign" as an initiative for peace that does not depend on military force and has sent over 1,000 olive saplings to date.
Jerusalem-International YMCA
As a YMCA located on the Israeli side of Jerusalem, the YMCA works to break the cycle of hatred between the two sides by creating a forum for dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. In the summer of 2014, the YMCA-Jerusalem Youth Chorus, composed of Israeli and Palestinian high school students living in Jerusalem, and at the invitation of Japanese music professionals, performed concerts in both Tokyo and Kyoto.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, children from the Gaza YMCA sent their drawings of encouragement and support to YMCAs in Japan.

< 募金の使途 > 
<How Your Donation Will Be Used>

Donations will be sent to the World Alliance of YMCAs through the The National Council of YMCAs of Japan to support YMCA activities in the affected areas.

< お振込による募金はこちらへ >

(おおさか かわせ しゅうちゅうてん)
Bank: Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Osaka, Japan 
Ordinary Account: 0230220
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Osaka YMCA
Postal transfer: 00980-0-11933 
Osaka YMCA Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
Please write "Middle East" after your name or in the remarks column when you make a postal transfer.


Please refer to the following websites

大阪YMCA パレスチナ緊急支援募金 事務局

TEL 06-6441-0894
FAX 06-6445-0297
550-0001 大阪市西区土佐堀1-5-6

